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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam consequat finibus nibh. Mauris et est luctus, maximus sem ultricies, vulputate libero. Donec varius ex sit amet ante...

This lesson will help students explain and demonstrate the basic knowledge of the human body systems after assigned reading, classwork, discussion, and lecture. Activities cover d...

Vital signs, Pain Assessment and Anthropometrical Measures Sets up environment for desired activity
Example Youtube video of a Physical Therapist Assistant doing vitals on a mock...

A brief review of the history of famous logos and predictions of how they will look like in the future made by Stock Logos. What’s interesting is that their prediction (made back...

How do we establish and maintain a colony on Mars? As the 10th grade capstone experience, students will create a Mars society that incorporates learning from core curricular areas....