This Learning Collection was developed to guide students in exploring the evolution of space suit design as a lead-in to NASA’s recent Space Suit Design challenge. This is also being used as an example to showcase some of the features Smithsonian has added to their Learning Lab to allow educators the tools necessary to use […]
Tag Archives: science

Fighting Corrosion to Save an Ancient Greek Bronze (Beginning Level)
Students study an object from antiquity that was found in the sea off the coast of Italy in order to understand how conservators remove and prevent corrosion on bronze statues. They derive meaning from analyzing the pose of the statue. Based on what they observe in the sculpture and what they read about the statue, […]

Making a Camera Obscura (Science)
In this lesson, students will create their own “camera obscura” out of a cardboard tube to explore and reinforce the fact that light travels in straight lines.

Passive Solar Design using Google Sketch-Up
Students will learn the basic principles of passive solar heating and how it isapplied to home design. Students will use Google SketchUp to design and create a passive solar addition to a home or they can design a small passive solar house.

The Solar System: 5 Ways Kids Can Learn More
The increased daylight at this time of the year may promote kids’ curiosity about the universe and our solar system. Spark kids’ interest with these suggested activities. Science 1. Learn more about space, the planets, sun, and moon: Let your kids know that the Earth is one of several planets in our solar system, with […]